Such is Christian, who has drifted into the middle of relationship rumours

Prince Christian will be known as the Crown Prince in the future.

Prince Christian gets a new role. PDO

Denmark’s Crown Prince Frederik ascends the throne on Sunday, so his firstborn son is a prince About Christian18, becomes crown prince.

Born in 2005, there were big changes in the life of the prince only recently, when he became an adult last October. Coming of age brought with it royal responsibilities. Among other things, Christian signed an agreement that he intends to follow the Danish constitution and take responsibility for the duties of the monarchy.

Becoming the crown prince means an even greater increase in responsibility, as the prince becomes the first in the line of succession to the crown.

Eldest son

Christian was born a year after his parents got married in Copenhagen. A baby boy weighing three and a half kilograms and 51 centimeters long saw the light of day on Saturday morning at exactly 01:57 local time at Copenhagen University Hospital.

Frederik told the media that he was so happy about the birth of his first child that he burst into tears when he held the boy in his arms. The people were also happy about the new heir. No heir had been born in Denmark for decades, so they celebrated the birth of a son to the fullest.

Christian’s younger siblings are named Isabella, Josephine and Vincent. PDO

Even before Christian was born, experts predicted that his name would be Christian, since all Danish kings have had either Frederik or Christian as their first name since 1559. His name did not come as a surprise to anyone. The boy got, among others, Princess Victoria of Sweden as his godfather.

Christian handled his first official representative task at the age of 2, when he opened the new elephant park of the Copenhagen Zoo with his grandfather, Prince Henrik.

The Royal Family in February 2022. PDO

Ordinary youth

As a small child, Christian was already known as a playful and funny boy. Christian is said to have inherited his Australian mother’s playfulness and sense of humor, even though he was raised as a crown prince in Denmark.

Christian is the first member of his family to start kindergarten and regular elementary school.

He started high school at the age of 15 at Herlufsholm Boarding School, but dropped out. The reason for changing schools was the revelations of former students about the school’s conditions and traditions, which include violence, sexual harassment and bullying.

The crown prince couple withdrew their son from the elite school and ruled that the younger one would not Josephine-my daughter will also start school in the future. Christian was transferred to Ordrup High School in Copenhagen.

In the Nordic courts, efforts have been made to guarantee a relatively “normal” childhood and youth for the children of royal families as well. Christian was allowed to continue his normal youth after moving out of the elite school. On the other hand, it also caused resentment when Christian was photographed wearing another team’s scarf around his neck in a football match. The royal family has not been in the habit of taking a stand on sports or politics, so there was a stir in the football country. Hov later hoped that the citizens would be more merciful to the underage boy.

Christian was allowed to live a relatively normal childhood and youth. PDO

Partying and relationship rumors

Christian’s father was once known as a party prince who changed women like socks. Last summer, Christian started going to various pubs. The prince, who was still underage at the time, was photographed at parties holding a beer can and sipping champagne at the club.

Earlier it was reported that Mary is worried about her son’s future, because there are a lot of drugs and untrustworthy people in the clubs. It remains to be seen whether Christian will develop into a raikuli prince. At least his 18th birthday was celebrated very elegantly and discreetly in the castle in October.

Relationship news has also been written about Christian recently. He also met the princess of the Two-Sicily family of Bourbon at the pippalas Maria Chiara. There were romance rumors between the two last summer. Royal fans eagerly awaited the birth of a new super couple, but their relationship has never been made official.

A new portrait of the prince. PDO
