Such are the roles of the royal family at the coronation

Among others, Prince George, Prince William and Queen Camilla’s grandchildren have important roles in the ceremony.

King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla will be crowned at London’s Westminster Abbey on Saturday, May 6.

The historic event has been planned for months, and as the main day approaches, information about the arrangements is leaking into the public. Information has come, for example, about the roles of the royal couple’s family members and close circle in the coronation ceremony.

The coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla is celebrated at the beginning of May. PDO

A special task at the coronation is, among other things, the prince William’s and the princess Catherine’s with the firstborn, 9-year-old Prince George. George and seven other boys close to the royal couple acted as pashas (in English page of honor).

Traditionally, a paash has meant a royal servant, usually a young nobleman. Page of honor – designation is used in connection with court ceremonial events. The task of children elected to the position of honor at the coronation is primarily to carry the King and Queen’s cloaks in the procession to Westminster Abbey.

Prince George gets to wear his grandfather’s cloak. PDO

A royal writer Tessa Dunlop told recently ALRIGHT!-magazine that Charles and George would have practiced walking with a cloak. Dunlop says one of George’s main jobs is “to make sure he doesn’t fall over his grandfather”.

Children’s and friends’ children

A total of eight children have received the honorary role: four for Charles, four for Camilla.

Charles’ pashas are lords in addition to the king’s grandson, Prince George, who is second in line to the crown Oliver Cholmondeley13, Nicholas Barclay13 and Ralph Tollemache12.

Father of Oliver Cholmondeley, Marquess of Cholmondeley David works at court under Charles, says Town & Country -magazine.

Nicholas Barclay is distantly related to Charles: his grandmother Sarah Troughton is Charles’s little cousin and Camilla’s close friend.

Grandparents of Ralph Tollemache, Lord Timothy and lady Xa Tollemache are close friends of Charles and Camilla. Ralph’s father Edward is Charles’ godson.

Camilla’s son Tom Parker Bowles’ 13-year-old son Freddy has an important role to play in the coronation. PDO

Unlike her husband, Camilla has chosen only her relatives as paupers. The queen’s grandchildren play an honorary role Gus Lopes12, Louis Lopes12 and Freddy Parker Bowles13, and Camilla’s sister by Annabel Elliott grandchild Arthur Elliott11.

It was absolutely important to Camilla that her grandchildren have a role in the coronation ceremony, the Queen’s friend Lady Lansdowne has told the Sunday Times.

Camilla’s grandchildren Gus and Louis Lopes took part in the Trooping the Color celebrations in the summer of 2016. PDO

Paas get dressed Hello-magazine, traditionally in a knee-length red, gold-embroidered jacket, a white vest, lace collar decorations, white socks and black shoes. The costume also includes a small ceremonial sword.

Camilla’s grandchildren also have another honorary role in the coronation service. All five of the Queen’s grandchildren, including the 15-year-old Lola Parker Bowles and Eliza Lopeshold the roof over Camilla while she is anointed with holy oil, says Cosmopolitan.

The entire Welsh princely family gathers on the palace balcony with other working royals. PDO

Flashes from the balcony

Also the princess of Prince George’s siblings, who turns 8 during the coronation week Charlotte’s and the prince who just celebrated his 5th birthday Louis’s expected to attend the coronation. However, they are known to have no formal role in the ceremony.

Instead, Charlotte and Louis are likely to wave again from the balcony of Buckingham Palace, where working members of the royal household gather to greet the nation. They also take part in the coronation procession.

In the atmosphere of the coronation weekend, other royal children are likely to be seen as well. The queen organized last summer Elizabeth’s At the 70-year ruler’s party, among others, the princess I give children Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall represented with their families. The prince was also seen at the party Edward’s children lady Louise19, and the Earl of Wessex James15, as well as a princess for the first time Eugenie’s born in February 2021 August-son.

A kiss on the cheek

Older royals also have their own tasks at the coronation. Prince William, who is the king’s eldest son and first in line to the crown, has a special role.

Prince William pays tribute to his father at the coronation. PDO

Among other things, William shows honor to the monarch by kneeling, touching the crown and kissing the king’s right cheek. In the past, all royal dukes have taken part in the tradition – today they would include princes Harry, Andrew, Richardbrother of Charles Edward and cousin of the late Elizabeth Edward. The Times however, says that Charles has wanted a change in custom, and William is the only one who follows the traditional formula.

William’s wife Princess Catherine is seen in the procession and on the castle balcony. He may also have other practical duties on the day of the celebration.

Prince Harry has reportedly attended the coronation without his family. However, he reportedly has no official role in the ceremony.

Prince Andrew’s (right) role at his brother’s coronation is still unclear. PDO

Prince Andrew’s position at the party is also unclear. Despite his stripped-down royal roles, Andrew is still a member of the Order of the Garter. Members of that order have traditionally performed special duties at coronation ceremonies, but it remains to be seen whether the tradition will continue for Andrew as well.

In 1953, four-year-old Prince Charles and two-year-old Princess Anne celebrated the coronation of their mother, Queen Elizabeth. PDO

The last time a coronation was celebrated in Britain was in 1953. At that time, 4-year-old Prince Charles was there to watch the three-hour coronation ceremony of his mother, 26-year-old Queen Elizabeth.

Many things are done differently now than 70 years ago. The ceremony itself is said to last only an hour and the guest list also has only 2,000 people instead of 8,000 last time.
