Subversives and electronic warfare, the zero line of the Ukrainian conflict in its northern border with Belarus and Russia

Only a deserted five hundred meters separate the abandoned post customs Ukrainian, on its border with Belarus, of the burst bridge of this intersection through which up to 300 vehicles used to pass a day. This has been almost two years now. Except for the border agents and a dog with short legs and a friendly nature, today there is hardly a soul to be seen on the Ukrainian side. But Belarusians are there, and you can spy on them from the underground trench and also in the open sky. Only the Dnipro River, now swollen by melting ice, separates them from each other. “We blew up the bridge at the beginning of the large-scale Russian invasion and it continues like this because it has an important function of protecting this border and making incursions difficult.” [de enemigos]”says border agent Oleg, Kalashnikov in hand.

Oleg, who like almost all soldiers avoids giving his full name, responds like this when asked about the situation on the border of the extreme north of Ukrainea border that this country shares with Russia and Belarus, an ally of the Kremlin. Border agents like him and the Army itself have long denounced what they consider big threats in this highly militarized zone: the raids of combat drones and of armed groups entering Ukrainian territory by land, especially from the border with Russia and at night.

“Hay unidades de la Federación Rusa que están constantemente ubicadas en la frontera norte de Ucrania y que nos bombardean y usan grupos subversivos”, asegura Vadym Mysnyk, oficial de las Fuerzas Armadas. “Su objetivo es mantener alta la tensión y tenernos bajo la perenne amenaza de una nueva invasión [por esta zona pasaron las tropas rusas en el inicio de la invasión en su asedio a Kiev]. “They have been active all winter,” he says, adding that the attacks are against both the Army and the civil population. They also “shoot and destroy civilian vehicles, as well as kill civilians, possibly diversionary tactics,” he continues. “The biggest fear is drones [iraníes] Shahed, because also when they fly they make a lot of noise,” adds a civilian.

Guerra electrónica


afirma que además, desde el lado ruso, también “hacen todo el tiempo uso de técnicas de guerra electrónica para cortar las señales [de transmisión ucranianas]”, in order to hinder communications between the various units. “Our units repel them, we are constantly looking for new ways to counter them,” he warns. As for the armed subversive groups, “what we have been seeing is that they cross especially in areas with a lot of forest or through the river, which in winter it is frozen“, he says, remembering that it is through this area that the Russian troops who almost besieged Kiev in the first phase of the Russian invasion entered.
