Sturm take first scorer point for Colorado – NHL – ice hockey

“Positive step for me”

At the end of the transition period, Sturm was with the after more than three years Minnesota Wild sent to the Colorado Avalanche. There he now plays at least until the end of his contract at the end of the season for the league leaders and can hope for a long stay in the playoffs for the Stanley Cup do.

Sturm thinks this is a good thing: “I think it’s a positive step for me. I think you have to look at it that way. Trade, it’s always a shock at first. But Colorado – there couldn’t have been many better spots.”

Hope for the Stanley Cup

In North American professional sports, players only have a say in exceptional cases when they are traded between teams.

“I feel liberated now. I’m just playing in an absolutely top team”said Storm. “Now I don’t look after every game to see how my stats are or how that might affect the contract next year. Because that wasn’t healthy somewhere. I’ve had that kind of thinking about this season for a long time and it hasn’t helped me at all.”he reported.

“Actually enough self-confidence”

“The fact that the league leaders brought me into the team should give me enough self-confidence.” He wants to help the team “to win the Stanley Cup”said Storm. “I’m trying to enjoy this, the next two and a half months, and everything that comes after that comes after that.”

Source: dpa
