Studying children can cost up to 700 thousand euros

Leducation is a dream that costs from 53 thousand to 700 thousand euros. These are the figures that Moneyfarm, digital investment company, calculate it takes for the education of a child in Italy, from nursery school to graduation.

How much does the study of children cost us

A path, regardless of the expense that can be sustained, is now necessary to acquire the famous ones “Skills” considered increasingly crucial for professional advancement e which young people can no longer do without to enter the world of contemporary work.

Soft skill, such as the ability to solve problems (problem solving) and critical thinking (critical thinking), that are not built only by studying on books and that they are at the top of the qualities needed by the “workers of tomorrow”.

Studying costs money but it is a necessary investment for children to have a chance (Getty Images)

Four typical paths, four different investments

It is on these foundations that Moneyfarm has built four typical training courses different to calculate what is the related economic commitment required. On average, the research says, families will do well to charge 130 thousand euros of budget for education, 6-7 thousand euros a year.

Standard route

For the “standard” educational path ranging from kindergarten to kindergarten, up to elementary, middle and public high schools, including books and school materials and with a limited budget to invest in extracurricular activities, according to the calculations of Moneyfarm, a family will have to take into account spending a total of around 53 thousand euros.

Also included is a full 5-year cycle of public universityconsidering a full tuition therefore without taking into account any scholarships or Isee subsidies.

As for extracurricular activities, for basic language skills we stop at online English lessons and for digital skills when purchasing a device.

For socio-relational, recreational or sporting activities, the cost is around 750 euros per year. Clearly, of all the cost items, that definitely higher is the universityconsidered in this case not from off-site and public: for a total of 22 thousand euros.

STEM path and training

This path requires more financial resources than the path “Standard” but also a specific goal.

To direct the children towards a career more based on scientific disciplines. The total cost of the route “STEM” Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) wanders in total about 98 thousand euros.


  • the whole public school cycle, from nursery school to middle school and related school materials
  • public after-school programs from childhood to all secondary schools
  • a public university cycle lasting 5 years from off-site which, also in this case, represents the most demanding cost to bear: 60 thousand euros
  • extracurricular activities and socio-relational, recreational or sports activities. Add at least one device and a basic computer course and an advanced coding course.

Children’s study: “Radical” path

In this case, the necessary financial availability increases even more. Here they are calculated at least 170 thousand euros because the expenses begin from the nursery and kindergarten, given the desire to educate their children with methods such as Montessori or Steiner, or with a bilingual approach within an international context.

In these cases, the annual fees range from a minimum of € 7,700 up to a maximum of € 14,600 at the nursery and, from a minimum of € 3,600 up to € 15,300, to the nursery. In both cases, the peaks in spending touch upon the international private institution.

The total cost includes i after-school, public middle and high schools, public universities not off-siteas well as texts and stationery for all cycles.

The expenses for extracurricular activities here are higher than for the basic path. Not so much those for the development of digital and socio-relational skills, but above all for language skills which will require the highest investment: about 35 thousand euros.

Extra luxury route

The last path examined by Moneyfarm is the most expensive: 700 thousand euros in total. It is a completely private and international path right from the nursery.

The biggest expense in this case it will be for the university: private and abroad. To give an example, University College London with Masters from the London School of Economics alone cost around 265 thousand euros including room and board. A figure that rises to 572 thousand euros if we move to the United States.

In the overall cost, much more expensive extracurricular activities were then considered, including study holidays crowned by a full year of study abroad. All for a total of 61 thousand euros.

