Study: German retailers are “still in the early stages” when it comes to diversity initiatives

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Photo: Ying Yang/Nur Photo via AFP

The German Retail Association (HDE), together with the auditor and management consultant PwC and Google Germany, examined the development of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at local companies in the industry. The HDE presented the results of the joint study on Friday. Accordingly, there is still a lot to do in this area, especially for small and medium-sized companies.

As part of the study, 334 small and medium-sized companies and 52 large companies with more than 250 employees were surveyed from May to September 2021. According to this, only 37 percent of the small and medium-sized companies stated that DEI was “already important” for them. However, 55 percent of the relevant companies expected that this complex “will become an increasingly important topic in the future”.

The majority of the large companies surveyed, on the other hand, are already in the process of implementing DEI measures. The study authors developed a scale of “maturity levels” to classify progress. According to a statement, a third of the large companies surveyed achieved “with the first steps in the area of ​​DEI maturity level 1, in which the principles are not yet anchored in the company in many places”. “At 44 percent, the majority of large companies are at maturity level 2, which means they have one or more DEI initiatives and are initiating change. Maturity level 3 corresponds to 20 percent of those surveyed who revise DEI processes, implement measures and whose principles are reflected in the company.” Only two percent of the large companies surveyed had already reached maturity level 4, the HDE explained. For them, “DEI is anchored as a strategic cornerstone in all areas of the company”.

Dara Kossok-Spieß, who initiated the “Diversity Offensive in Retail” at HDE, sees great opportunities for the industry in corresponding efforts, but also that there is still a need to catch up: “Diverse teams are more successful, as our practical experience shows,” emphasized them in a message. “Although retail is still in its infancy here, the industry has already developed an awareness of the importance of diversity. Now it takes courage to act.”

Diversity is “not just an issue of justice,” said Kossok-Spieß. “Rather, it is also about creativity, which can arise from the encounter of different social and societal backgrounds. That is why the diversity of the staff also offers every company a great opportunity to positively influence its own economic success.” Different perspectives and approaches are “added value that should be used”.

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