Study considers falling electricity prices to be possible by 2025

According to a McKinsey study, electricity could become cheaper again in the next few years. A significant reduction in wholesale electricity prices by 2025 is possible under certain conditions. “In order to achieve the goal of a secure, affordable and sustainable power supply for Germany by 2025, a massively accelerated expansion of renewable energies is necessary,” the management consultancy reported on Tuesday in Düsseldorf.

At the same time, the capacities for generating electricity from natural gas would have to be expanded significantly. “These can later be converted to biogas and green hydrogen as fuels.” For security of supply, it is also necessary to continue operating the coal-fired power plants that are scheduled to be shut down by 2025 until they have been converted to low-emission, hydrogen-capable gas-fired power plants.

The study comes to the conclusion that the measures mentioned could lead to a wholesale electricity price of 120 euros per megawatt hour. McKinsey emphasized that this is still three times the historical average of around 40 euros per megawatt hour. For comparison: According to the Federal Network Agency, in the third quarter the average market electricity price was 376 euros per megawatt hour. In order to achieve even lower prices in the long term, a reduction in the price of natural gas is necessary, for example by concluding long-term purchase agreements. (dpa)
