Studio Football away from NOS? What nonsense!’

Angela de Jong finds the discussion about removing Studio Football from the NOS completely nonsensical. “On election night there are also political interpreters who analyze the results!”


The riot about the vindictive statements made by Pierre van Hooijdank at the table at Studio Voetbal, for which he has now given Ajax coach Maurice Steijn his apologies has offered, suddenly provokes a different discussion. Does a talk show about football belong to a broadcaster like the NOS? Victor Vlam, the male Angela de Jong, thinks not.

Studio Football at NOS?

Marcus den Blanken, Angela’s right-hand man, thinks Victor has a point here. “I don’t remember who said that, but I did agree. That it is actually strange that the NOS makes the Studio Football program,” he says in the AD Media podcast.

Colleague Dennis Jansen, media journalist at the newspaper: “Victor Vlam said that.”

Marcus: “Yes. With news, then you have the broadcasters who do the talk shows and then you have Nieuwsuur and the Journaal and that is just facts, facts, facts. In sports it suddenly becomes strange that opinions are thrown on the table there.”

‘To AvroTros!’

Let that indeed be done by another broadcaster, says Marcus. “Let AvroTros do that or let KRO-NCRV do that with Herman van der Zandt. Then he can continue to do something in the sport. So I agreed that it is actually strange that it is NOS Studio Football.”

He continues: “Why does the NOS, which is about facts, have to make an opinion program? I thought that was a good point.”

Angela critical

Angela, whose opinion is of course ultimately decisive, thinks it’s a non-discussion. “But don’t they review every game?”

Dennis: “Don’t they just do an afterthought at every football match?”

Angela: “A preview and an afterthought. It’s just the afterthought of the football weekend.”

Dennis: “That’s just been the case for years.”

Marcus: “That’s another good point.”

Good point

Opinions about football are fine with the NOS, says Angela. “On election night there are also political interpreters who analyze the result and give their opinion on it.”

Marcus: “Yes, you have a good point there. Actually, Victor Vlam, you are completely wrong about that and you had a very bad point. Doesn’t make any sense what you say. Listen to Angela!”

Angela: “I don’t see the problem that way.”
