Studies of over de hele were tonen aan: 1 op de 3 manen is best met with ten minste éen type human papillomavirus (HPV) | Wetenschap & Planet

How many people are there with the human papillomavirus (HPV)? Deze vraag stond central in a new study which is published in the Wetenschappelijke tijdschrift The Lancet Global Health. If you don’t want to do anything with the virus, with possible birth defects as a result, you can also do it yourself.

The warning of the human papillomavirus (HPV) before it is documented. About that by men who don’t have tot tot een risicogroep he is real veel less known. Om dit better in kaart te brengen maakte een nieuwe publicatie in The Lancet Global Health een analysis of wetenschappelijke studies van over heel de wereld the Tussen 1995 en 2022 were uitgevoerd. Also Belgian wetenschappers (Belgian Cancer Center – Sciensano) were drunk at the end of the day. Belangrijk voor de Wetenschappers was omen beeld te vormen van HPV bij manen not tot a group behoorden met a hoog risico op besmetting.

After a thorough selection of 65 studies over a total of 44,769 people over the 15 year. By then there were three (31%) of these men who spoke of a problem with HPV. Bij één op de vijf (21%) went het om a high-risk type HPV. Before there was a risk of HPV developing, with a peak between 25 and 29 years. Globally, there was a risk of HPV-16 being present (5%), a high-risk type, due to HPV-6 (4% in a high-risk type).

What is the human papillomavirus (HPV)?

• Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are in a group of more than 200 viruses that can be identified in small numbers in the area of ​​the ano-genital region. Ze come soms also for op de stembanden of in de mondholte.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) brought into being with transmitted electron microscopy. © Getty Images/Science Photo Libra

Besmetting with the virus comes via seksueel contact. Het wasldwijd de most prekomende seksueel overdraagbare viral infection. The most seksueel actieve manen en vrouwen lopen tijdens hun leven ten minste éen genitale HPV-infectie op.

The majority of HPV infections by men and women have been reported and reported spontaneously. When he yelled, he said, “He’s mestling on the plate, awful little things on the penis, labia and around the anus.” The virus can jaren aanwezig blijven zonder klachten te veroorzaken. Ten minste twaalf types HPV kanker veroorzaken, waaronder baarmoederhalskanker waaraan sea dan 340,000 vrouwen per year dieven. Bij manen estimate that het antal overlijdens door kanker na a HPV besmetting round de 70.000 ligt. Meestal gaat het dan om penis-, anale, orale and keelkanker.

In the study there are also specific regions: Europe, North America, Latijns-Amerika and the Caraïben, Oost- en Zuid-Oost Azië, en Sub-Sahara Afrika. There were some significant differences in the presence of HPV among men that were known in Oost- and Zuid-Oost Azië. There was a percentage of 15 percent of a stuk warehouse in Vergelijking with the other regions. That was also what happened when the grandchildren were born to the high-risk types of HPV.

Because of this, the wet chappers also include the inventory of the leash. Op basis van de gegevens zagen ze en stijging vanaf de leeftijd van 15 jaar tot 20 jaar gevolgd door een stabilisatie voor de other leeftijdsgroepen in Europa, Noord-Amerika en Oost- en Zuid-Oost Azië. In sub-Saharan Africa and Latijns-Amerika and Caraïben zag men eerder een lichte daling na deze piek. The leeftijdspatroon van besmetting bij manen verschiebt van de trend bij vrouwen. When there is the first peak of secuel activity with the leeward, due to a light opening on the leeward of 50-55 years (round the day of menopause) for all the population groups.

These results are toned down by the number of active people, given that you are alive, there is a risk of an HPV-gerelated target being there because there is a ‘reservoir’ for the virus that can be transmitted. Thereafter, the study also states what is involved is from vaccination of both killed.

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