Students take to the streets for a wider basic grant | Inland

The students, often dressed in red, shout, among other things, the slogan ‘What do we want? Debt free’. The protesters are carrying signs with texts such as ‘Compensatory for the unlucky generation’ and ‘I am in the red’.

Spoken word artist Rachad Debdoubi spoke on stage of a “disgusting and ugly student debt.” “The loan system is a facade.”

Several politicians were also given the floor about student debts and the basic grant. Laurens Dassen of Volt, for example, said that students should be fairly compensated for “the scandal that has happened to you in recent years.” Stephan van Baarle of DENK said he wants to work towards canceling these student debts. “We now have young people who cannot work on their future because of the rotten policy.” According to Sylvana Simons of BIJ1, “we must not forget that these measures affect the very weakest.”

The protest is organized by FNV Young & United and the National Student Union (LSVb) and started on Dam Square. Organizers say between a thousand and two thousand people are on the march. The demonstrators march through the city from Dam Square. The action will be closed again later in the day on Dam Square with music.

In February, students also protested against what they see as low compensation for the loan system.
