Students of foreign origin increasingly go to HAVO or VWO | Interior

More and more Dutch students of foreign origin are following a HAVO or VWO education. The difference with pupils of Dutch descent is becoming smaller.

This is evident from the annual Integration and Society Report that Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is publishing today. Statistics Netherlands looked at the composition of classes in the third year at havo and vwo level.

Slightly more than half of the third-class pupils born in the Netherlands, who also have Dutch-born parents, were enrolled in a HAVO or VWO education last school year. This applies to 35 percent of migrants in Dutch society, compared to 22 percent ten years ago. “Especially among students of Turkish or Moroccan origin, the number of students attending HAVO or VWO education increased relatively sharply,” says Statistics Netherlands. ,, Among students with a Dutch-Caribbean origin, the share decreased slightly; the percentage in the third year of havo or vwo is the lowest in this origin group.” Of the pupils of Afghan or Iranian origin, an above-average proportion of pupils attend HAVO or VWO.

On 1 January, 2.6 million of the 17.6 million people in the Netherlands were considered migrant by Statistics Netherlands: born outside the Netherlands. Of the people born in the Netherlands, 2 million had at least one parent born outside the Netherlands. Together, these groups make up 26 percent of the Dutch population. Over the past five years, almost 90 percent of the growth in the Dutch population was due to international migration.

The report also shows that unemployment among migrants will increase in 2021. That is precisely in contrast to the Dutch-born working population: when the corona pandemic faded into the background, unemployment among them also fell. Unemployment among migrants up to the age of 25, on the other hand, increased further to 8 percent. The average unemployment rate is around 4 percent.

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