Student robbed with machete and firearm in the heart of Bruges

Student robbed with machete and firearm in the heart of Bruges

The 18-year-old teenager was on his way to a pasta shop in the center of Bruges when he was approached around 1 pm in a side street near St. Salvator’s Cathedral. Two hooded young men asked in English if he wanted to drop off his Airpods. Because the victim did not respond, they also tried to get hold of his expensive coat. At that moment, one of the two suspects pulled out a machete (a large knife-shaped tool with a blade that is on average 50–60 cm long).

The teenager from Knokke-Heist fled as quickly as possible. The suspects were able to quickly pull off his backpack. The perpetrators also tried to flee, but were arrested a little later on the basis of camera images. The first results of the investigation show that the firearm appears to be a replica. The investigation is still ongoing, now it is up to the public prosecutor to decide what will happen to the suspects.
