Stuck, the latest installment of the series of Ficarra and Picone: plot

Sttonight at 21.45 about on Channel 5 it airs there second and last episode of Get stuckthe series by and with Ficarra and Picone. Salvo and Valentino find themselves, despite themselves, involved in a murder. After several missteps, they have to face the consequences of their mistakes. Will they be able to save their skin?

Get stuckplot of the last episode

THE first 3 episodes they ended with the kidnapping of the protagonists. To capture them, the mafia clan that had aimed Alberto Gambino (Sasa Salvaggio), the murdered man in the apartment where the two went to repair the TV. Now they are in a farmhouse outside the city, where they are put under pressure by criminals.

Handcuffed and threatened with a gun to the temple, they watch the news. Sergione (Sergio Friscia) is interviewing Agata (Marianna Di Martino). Deputy Commissioner Scalia explains the motive that could have led to the murder: «For the moment I can tell you that Gambino was only apparently a respectable accountant. He actually looked after the interests of the mafia », he announces.

Then he adds: «Recently, however, Gambino had decided to collaborate with justice. It was thanks to his statements that in recent days we have been able to carry out countless arrests. Soon he would have entered the protection program, but evidently someone decided to silence him first».

Except Ficarra and Valentino Picone, protagonists of the second and last episode of the series broadcast tonight on Canale 5. (Netflix)

Did Salvo and Valentino kill Gambino?

Ficarra and Picone have two different reactions. While the former maintains a certain aplomb, the latter spills the beans: “It’s true, we killed him”, he admits. Even if it’s a lie. «We killed him because Gambino was the lover of his wife, Esther, who happens to be my sister. We did it to avenge our honor. How did we know he was your employee?”

At this point, Salvo gives him a hand, who plays the message left by his wife on Gambino’s answering machine. «Dear Alberto, I’m Esther. Look, I know it was me who said enough, but I’ve changed my mind. I have just learned that my husband has gone to Castelmonte and will be back this evening. So you wait for me, because the weather is on the road and I’m with you. Hello trot».

The message triggers the laughter of the bystanders and the road to salvation opens for the protagonists. «Holy Father he says that the cuckold and the cuckold’s friend unintentionally did him a favor. And then, picciotti, they deserve our respect». So they are freed and sit down to lunch with the kidnappers.

Esther hides in Castelmonte

The latter inform them that the wife may have knowledge of the murder or details that could get them into trouble. So it must be eliminated. Salvo offers to kill her, once again to save the honor. At the same time, they ask Valentino to find out what Gambino said to the cops.

Ficarra and Picone in a scene from the series. (Netflix)

To save his skin, he becomes an infiltrator… for the mafia. He invites Agata to dinner and with the excuse of remembering the old days and try to uncover useful information from her for criminals. Meanwhile Ficarra has a heated argument with Esterbut eventually explains the situation to her and, after staging her murder, has her hide at the Castelmonte convent.

The skein is getting more and more tangled, because Signora Antonietta, Ester and Valentino’s mother, is worried about her daughter’s disappearance and asks Agata for help. Picone, however, dampens the situation by saying that she is suffering from dementia. After that she accompanies her to the Gambino house and, right in front of the entrance to the building, she finds the children she met on the stairs the day of the murder.

Stuck: fifth, sixth episode and final

Ficarra and Picone are interrogated by the police and finally spill the beans, but no one believes their version. No one except Agata, certain they wouldn’t be able to commit murder. While Valentino tries to justify himself to his high school mate, he names Father Santissimo. Clearly they know something important.

They therefore meet the prosecutor (Leo Gullotta), to whom they tell how the facts went. After initial skepticism, he decides to involve them in an undercover operation to put them on the trail of Holy Father. During a dinner with Agata and Valentino, Picone turns on his cell phone which keeps him in contact with the mafiosi. He and the deputy commissioner pretend to be in love and set up an ad hoc story to stir things up within the clan.

In the end, Ficarra and Picone manage to reach Padre Santissimo and to their great surprise they discover that he is an unsuspected. There first season of THEget stuck ends with a firefight between cops and mobsters. Who will escape it? And, above all, what will happen to Salvo and Valentino?

