Stubborn Aragonès, by Joan Tardà

The political board, it does not matter if the elections of December of this year are won by the PP or PSOE, it is so predictable that the politicians who settle into immobility will be portrayed. Since the PP will only reach Moncloa with the support of Vox, the script of a Feijóo president has already been applied previously: fiscal policies to make people believe that there is more money in their pockets, Counter-reform of Sánchez’s most progressive laws and cultivation of Spanish nationalism against annoying Catalonia. A context that would make both the day-to-day life of the Generalitat difficult and would shield Pere Aragonès. Not only until 2025, when he ends his term, but beyond. Because the attacks of the Spanish right always make catalyst of the most creative and mobilizing Catalan resistance. In the same way that the Government of Maragall was also the product of Aznar’s bellicosity, future Catalan governments of independence unity or Catalan concentration will be as real as the intense animosity of a new Spanish government towards Catalonia.

In the same way, it is plausible that the PSOE accumulates the push of Yolanda Díaz and can aspire to stay at Moncloa. As long as it counts, it is clear, with the support of Esquerra, PNV and Bildu, without ruling out that it also requires the support that Puigdemont has denied him up to now. In the end, the PSOE will have to face all its own fears and resistance to accepting an unavoidable reality, because It is unimaginable that he can continue without taking out of the drawer the Catalan folder that he kept because of the electoral calendar, making 2023 a very barren year. Let’s remember this: the political negotiating table not only frozen by the Government of Madrid but also fought, with the aim of burying the Pedralbes agreements of December 2018 (“there will never be self-determination”, said a thousand times by Sánchez and Illa ) on the one hand and, on the other, the bilateral commission for idling transfers, despite the indignation caused by the historical grievance of the disinvestment of the Rodalies service, for example.

It is to be appreciated, then, that Pere Aragonès has taken the step before someone who has irresponsibly considered that playing the ostrich is synonymous with success. It is of interest that he did it despite also castling Junts, which has not yet internalized how in the coming years everything will revolve around the democratic conquest of a referendum.

Obviously, only the opposition of the PSC and Junts to the Republican Government justifies the disproportionate criticism of the president’s proposal for the creation of a plural expert council (this condition is essential for the conclusions to be credible), in order to move towards a clarity pact to present to the Spanish Government. In fact, only from the desire (legitimate, of course) to erode the Catalan Government is it possible to explain why, from the first moment, they have disqualified the initiative, despite not having proposed any alternative beyond the rhetoric of “Catalonia today has nothing to do with that of 2017 & rdquor; of Sánchez/Illa and the schizophrenic political ‘juntaire’, sandwiched between the vacuous ‘no surrender’ of Borràs and the convergent ‘déjà vu’ of Trias.

No option excluded

It is also grateful that Pere Aragonès, anticipating the calendar, has determined to advance the proposal. Convinced that resistance will diminish, given some academic conclusions to respond to the demand of Catalan society to build a democratic solution that challenges each of the citizens and guarantees them to feel integrated. In short, respected.

We let the connoisseurs work on the methodologies and we demand that politicians not sign up for the short dribble because, they know it well, without the consent of the citizens they are nothing.

A few days ago, one of the people who have been appointed to form part of the group of experts said that perhaps the referendum will end up being for a new Statute. Certainly, currently it is not known what will be endorsed, it is unknown if it will be consultative or binding, the date is unknown or if it will contemplate the yes/no binomial or it will be necessary to choose between two yes. And even more unknowns.

Only one premise is essential: that no option is excluded. It corresponds, then, to the connoisseurs to present proposals and to the politicians to debate and decide.

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Of course, the leaders would do well not to shy away from participating in the debate on the initiatives of the counterpart, that each one of them abandon the blocking capacity and guarantee that citizens will see all the options considered in the solution. The majority and those that are not so much.

Therefore, long live democratic stubbornness!
