Struggling through the cow poo at prutrace Westzaan

They call it the dirtiest party in Westzaan and it will undoubtedly be. The annual shit race was allowed to continue after two years and was immediately visited by bigots from all over the region. Rugby club Zaandijk is participating with 55 men and women in white T-shirts who are pitch black at the first ditch and stink for an hour in the wind.

Mick Elzenga (13) was far ahead of his clubmates and finished first with a still fairly white shirt. “Most people it’s not about winning, it’s about participating. But winning makes it more fun,” she says. The club’s first lady is also 13; Elisa Vellenberg is covered in mud, but likes it very much. “I don’t think I can see myself in the mirror anymore.”

Not only the rugby club is present, but also a diving club from Alkmaar. Manon Kaatee is organizing the Prutrace this year and is especially happy that it can continue again. “Especially the village is very nice. Just run stupid through the mud and get dirty.” She is happy with the outside interest.

Duckweed in your hair

For the rest, racing through the mud, water and cow shit is especially hard, even the untrained prutracers notice. Although some are unstoppable. “It was so much fun. I’m going again,” says 9-year-old Tijn. His ears are full of goo and there is duckweed in his hair. He only realized at the finish that he had gone with the wrong group. But runs straight to the next start.
