Struggling for ‘basic protection’ against Corona – approval of the mask requirement

In the fight against the corona virus, it is becoming apparent that the mask requirement in certain areas of public life will remain in place beyond March 20th. “We have to take measures that no longer massively intervene in the life of the individual. The mask – especially the FFP2 mask – seems to be a tried and tested way of preventing infections in public spaces,” SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich told the newspapers the Funke media group. The FDP, which is otherwise skeptical about further corona restrictions, has also signaled its approval.

The protective mask now has many supporters among the population: more than every second person in Germany wants to continue wearing a mask even after the mask requirement has expired, as a representative Insa survey for the “Bild am Sonntag” has shown. 52 percent stated that they held on to the mask even if they were not required to do so – most of them in local transport, retail and long-distance transport. 41 percent, on the other hand, want to do without the mask as soon as this is allowed. A majority, in turn, is in favor of maintaining the mask requirement in certain areas beyond March 20.

According to a three-stage plan by the federal and state governments, the vast majority of corona restrictions should be lifted by March 20th. The nationwide legal basis for such measures expires on March 19. However, basic protection, for example with compulsory masks indoors, on buses and trains and with tests, should remain possible. A new, nationwide legal basis is being sought for this. How this should look exactly is disputed. The FDP in particular is against allowing broader restrictions on fundamental rights.

Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP) said to the “Rheinische Post” (Saturday): “At the moment, only measures that are highly effective and have a low level of intervention intensity seem conceivable to me. These could be, in particular, test strategies and the obligation to wear masks in special situations.” The Greens, on the other hand, are pushing for a more comprehensive catalog of measures in the event that the corona situation worsens again.

Federal Family Minister Anne Spiegel also believes that it is still necessary to wear masks in schools. “I would welcome it if masks were still worn in schools – and elsewhere,” said the Green politician of the “Bild am Sonntag”. Objection came from the FDP health politician Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus. Basically, “it should be the personal responsibility of each individual where and to what extent you wear a mask in everyday life,” she said. “It is particularly important for children that they can go about their everyday lives without a mask.”

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) calls on the federal government to quickly create the basis for an extension of the mask requirement. “The traffic light is required so that we are not delivered completely unprotected to Corona. We need a legal basis that will continue to make it possible to wear masks and carry out tests,” said Söder to “Bild am Sonntag”. This is particularly necessary for the schools: “Only with tests and masks can we achieve the necessary safety for our students in face-to-face classes.” (dpa)
