Strong Sterre from Hilversum is training hard for NK Powerlifting

Next Sunday it’s time. Then Sterre van Krimpen (28) from Hilversum can show what she’s got at the National Powerlifting Championships. “The competition is great, but I’m going to put up something nice.”

Inhale. Utmost concentration. Leading weights go into the air. In everyday life, Sterre works as a personal trainer and in her spare time she goes to work herself. “Today I have a training with squads and I am now lifting 130 kilos”, says Sterre.

It is one of the three parts at the NK Powerlifting in Tilburg this weekend. “The other parts are deadlifts and bench press, my favorite,” says Sterre.

Muscle strength

In her own mini-gym she trains hard every day to increase her muscle strength. “So powerlifting is not about how you look, like bodybuilding. I mainly train to get stronger.”

Sounding weights, moans and a blowing breath: tsss! Sterre hangs the weights back and is allowed to take a four minute break. “I film everything with my phone, so that my coach can watch remotely and give tips,” says Sterre.

“This sport is really for everyone: young, old, man, woman”

Star of Krimpen

She started powerlifting about four or five years ago. “I think it’s a very nice sport. It’s physically challenging and it also makes you mentally stronger,” says Sterre. “So it gives you confidence. And the nice thing is: anyone can do it. Young, old, man, woman, it doesn’t matter.”

And is she an exception as a woman in the world of powerlifting? “No, there are a lot of women who practice this sport and it is growing enormously,” says Sterre. The competition next Sunday is therefore tough. “There are a few ladies who are doing very well. But you never know what will happen and I’m just going to put something nice for myself.”

175 kilos into the air

Sterre’s goals for the NK Powerlifting next weekend:

  • Squat (knees): 170 kilos
  • Bench press (bench press): 90 kilos
  • Deadlift (lifting weights from the floor): 175 kilos
