strong revenue growth in 2021

Ross Adams, CEO of the Swedish company Acast recently published his company’s quarterly results. Privileged platform for media and creators of native podcasts, it records in 2021 a 73% growth in turnover.

Profitable acast” in three to five years »

In total over the year, Acast recorded 97 million euros in turnover, for a loss of 14 million euros. Beyond the numbers, the 40,000 podcasts broadcast via Acast generated nearly 4 billion listens (3,735,000,000). These elements attest to the gradual maturity of the podcast, both in the United States, more global market, but also on other continents. ” As we grow the number of podcasts and listens, the advertising market for podcasts will continue to grow in the same way – and it is expected to only grow as the podcast market continues to mature,” Ross Adams said in a statement.

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It must be said that the trend is the direction of the CEO of Acast. Especially on the brand side, the format attracts, especially in France where Acast recorded +92% new advertisers in 2021. Listeners are logically progressing as the podcast develops. In France, between July and September 2021, the platform saw the number of listeners increase by 90.9% compared to the same period a year earlier. Listeners both in search of original content, but who also sometimes follow their favorite creators, adding the podcast channel to those of YouTube, Instagram, or Twitch.

We don’t have the visual support, we have to be able to arrange the scripts we’re going to write. On the podcast, the objective is to reach other audiences, who are not on the video or on the book,” explained to Century Digital Benjamin Brillaud, from the Nota Bene channel.

Acast therefore approaches 2022 “ in complete confidence “. For its CEO, all the conditions are met to achieve profitability ” in three to five years “. The appointment is made.


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