Stripe through Chest Cup, insufficient manpower at the police

It should be a festive day tomorrow, but the Telstar – De Graafschap exhibition game is cancelled. The competition would be the first edition of the Chest Cup, an ode to Simon Kistemaker. The former coach of both clubs died at the end of last year from the effects of cancer.

The Telstar spokesperson says that there is too little manpower at the police in the IJmond region because of a Summer festival that there is these days. The White Lions subsequently received a negative advice from the police. Telstar itself saw it as a pleasant day for the family with other activities in and around the stadium in addition to the match.

IJsselmeer birds

No practice match for Telstar and that means that there is only training. The next friendly meeting for the Velsenaren is now Tuesday at 8 p.m. in their own stadium.
