Striking: Wouter Beke receives sweater with the inscription ‘Nothing to prove’ from wife and daughter Resignation Wouter Beke

“Anyone who really knows me knows that I am not a cold power politician, as I have read in recent weeks. My integrity as a politician, as a person, as a husband, as a father and as a militant is more important to me than anything else. Important than what has been written about me in the media over the past two years,” said Beke.

Beke’s wife Leen and daughter Nette encouraged him with an orange sweater with the text ‘Nothing to prove’. He doesn’t have to prove anything to them, is the message.

“My wife, my family, my relatives, the employees here and some friends inside and outside the party know me best. It is they who have kept me upright as a human being. I would like to expressly thank them for that,” says Beke.
