Stricter security in Huizen after explosion, ‘strong indications’ for drug conflict | Inland

Security in the street De Roef in Huizen, where an explosive device went off at a house in the night from Saturday to Sunday, has been increased by the municipality. It concerns visible and invisible security, according to the municipality. A resident has received a restraining order.

The municipality reports that there are ‘strong indications’ that the detonation of the explosive has to do with ‘a conflict in the drug environment’. Yesterday the police already said here to take into account† The resident of the house where the explosion took place has been banned from the area for safety reasons.


Because of the investigation, the municipality does not want to say more about security, except that there has been camera surveillance since yesterday evening. Two homes were closed a week earlier due to ‘serious threat’, that will remain so for the time being. The residents of three of the five homes that were evacuated after the explosion were allowed to return yesterday.

Due to the threat and closure of the two houses in the street, a special security unit came into the street. That was later watered down to stricter supervision. Now security has been tightened again.

Unrest in the neighborhood

According to the municipality, the events are causing a lot of unrest in the neighborhood. A meeting for local residents was therefore organized yesterday evening with the police and the municipality. The additional security measures were subsequently announced.

Mayor Niek Meijer van Huizen said earlier on Sunday that he was already aware of the impact on the neighborhood. “This threat mainly focused on the house where the explosion has now taken place, in the middle of a residential area. Fortunately there were no casualties. Naturally, everyone in the area was shocked. First the closure and now this explosion.”

According to NH Nieuws, the mayor, like the rest of those present, did not want to say anything after the meeting last night. He did want to say that the neighborhood is tired of the press in the neighborhood. Unsolicited people in the street who take pictures of everything and nothing, shoot images and want interviews, “exceed the norms of decency,” he said. Questions from these media were not answered by him.

Damage to the home after the explosion. © AS Media

Link to other incidents

Last Thursday, a 42-year-old man from The Hague was arrested for possible involvement in a threat to homes in Huizen, Nieuwegein and Hoef en Haag, and also in previous explosions in Hoef and Haag and Tienhoven. The police believe that these incidents and those in Huizen are related. According to the Public Prosecution Service, the suspect is still in custody. He is restricted and may therefore only have contact with his lawyer.

The house in Huizen was heavily damaged. No one was present at the time. The Defense Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service investigated and found no other explosives.
