Stricter rules: Brabant farmer may apply less manure from 2023

From 2023, farmers in the Netherlands will be allowed to spread less manure than they do now. Farmers in the Netherlands have an exceptional position, which means they are allowed to spread more manure than farmers in other countries. In 2026, that exception should be a thing of the past, they believe in Brussels.

The phasing out of the rules will start as early as next year. Sources to confirm that NOS. Plans were already being discussed before the summer. Niels Kanters of ZLTO already spoke of a drama at the time.

Poor water quality
For years, Dutch farmers were allowed to apply more manure from Brussels, because we live in a wet country with a long growing season. Now that the water quality is deteriorating, Brussels politics is putting an end to this.

If farmers are allowed to spread less manure, they have to dispose of it. That can cost thousands of euros per year. Affected farmers will receive compensation for this. What it will look like is still unknown.

Implementation agenda Mest
Brabant also wants to go even further than the Brussels rules. The province is working on a Manure Implementation Agenda, which contains measures to reduce nitrogen emissions.

The combination of changing rules makes it extra difficult for farmers in Brabant. Kanters previously called the plans “unrealistic”.


New thundercloud for farmers: Brussels wants to spread less manure
