Stress dermatitis: treatments and remedies

Lto dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin which occurs with the sudden formation of red patches, dry, itchy skin. The diagnosis is stress dermatitis in the presence of the same symptoms but in the absence of other obvious causes, such as ascertained sensitivity to allergensthe contact with stinging substancesthe use of drugs or cosmetics. What makes the difference is if it occurs suddenly and in conjunction with a period of psychophysical and emotional overexertion. But how to recognize it and what to do?

Stress dermatitis: symptoms

This skin pathology “is characterized by sudden inflammation of the skinwhich causes discomfort, itching or burning sensation. The reaction is characterized by skin dryness, redness and excessive peeling. Due to the scratching action, abrasions or crostifications appear. Usually affects the face, neck, hands and feet. It is also frequent in the eyelid area. If the pathology prompts the person to scratching persistentlythis situation can result wounds, abrasions and grazes and an indirect risk of infection », warns Professor Antonio Costanzo, Head of Dermatology at Humanitas and lecturer at theHumanitas University.

The causes

«The mechanisms that trigger stress dermatitis they are not fully known. It is likely that the state of psychophysical and emotional overexertion may play a contributing role alongside other basic factors such as excess washing, use of cosmetics, exposure to cold and humidity. The skin thus represents the relief valve of complex mechanisms which eventually are able to activate hormones or inflammatory mediators, ”continues the expert. Prevention of stress dermatitis is obviously not possible, since stress can affect us at any time in life.

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How to make the diagnosis

«Diagnosis of dermatitis is not easy and it must be done by excluding contact dermatitis and atopic one. The latter, in particular, has very similar characteristics, so much so that in Germany it is called neurodermatitis, which includes both. In moments of particular emotional tension, stress activates the immune response mediated by the nerves that supply the skin, causing inflammation. So if there is predisposition to an inflammatory skin disease an emotional overload can cause stress dermatitis to appear in those already predisposed. A visit to the dermatologist is often sufficient to identify a transient reaction attributable to psychophysical overexertion, but in some cases it is necessary to conduct specific examinations to exclude the interference of other factors ”, recommends Professor Costanzo.

Possible treatments

“In certain circumstances, if dermatitis causes physical or aesthetic discomfort to people, useful remedies can be used to alleviate the symptoms. Like the emollient creams, able to temporarily relieve inflammation and itching. They contain anti-inflammatory substances and are cortisone-free. They moisturize and reduce itching. Under medical advice on the body it is also possible to apply cortisone creams for short periods but on the face, especially when exposed to the sun, cortisone should be avoided. Also the sun’s rays are able to reduce itching. Ultraviolet, in fact, are natural immunosuppressants that kill inflammatory skin cells. However, it should be emphasized that you should always expose yourself with a high sunscreen. I also recommend reduce washing and use non-foaming detergents to minimize discomfort », advises the expert.

