Stress around Sinterklaas party Nuenen, sports hall closed due to danger of collapse

Stressful moments for Sinterklaas. In the Sinterklaas news, it is the sinking steamboat that threatens to throw a spanner in the works, in Nuenen it is the sports hall where the saintly man has sleepless nights.

With only one more night’s sleep, the saintly man is eager to travel to the Netherlands. They are also eagerly looking forward to his arrival in Nuenen. But arguing about the location where the party can take place creates a lot of uncertainty instead of revelry.

Collapse hazard
The Sinterklaas would make its appearance next Sunday in sports hall De Hongerman. But the hall was closed immediately by the municipality of Nuenen last Tuesday because the roof does not meet the safety requirements. In bad weather there is even a risk of collapse. The sports hall will be closed until at least 2 January due to emergency repairs.

Sinterklaas Entry Nuenen Foundation got together and hurriedly looked for another place for the children’s party. It was found at John Geven Studios, a photo studio with plenty of space, where all children fit with ease.

But the municipality, together with the Security Region, put a stop to that too. There would be too many people in the studio during the party, putting safety at risk.

Setback after setback, but the Saint did not give up. At the last minute it has now been decided to celebrate the arrival outside, with a ‘meet & greet’. On the outside area of ​​John Geven Studios, all children receive a candy bag, a present and they can also take a picture with Saint Nicholas. ‘A last minute, simplified version, but with plenty of music and fun’, says the foundation.

There are also collection boxes during the meet & greet, because all setbacks also mean a financial downer. Some things could no longer be canceled free of charge.
