Strengthening Franco-Dutch cooperation against terrorism and subversion | news item

News item | 10-03-2022 | 09:14

Minister of Justice and Security Yesilgöz-Zegerius was in Paris this week with a strong delegation from the Dutch cabinet for government consultations with a delegation from the French government, led by Prime Minister Rutte and President Macron. Ministers discussed the war in Ukraine, the reception of Ukrainians in Europe and the fight against terrorism and subversion.

“The international trade in illegal narcotics is the largest criminal market and generates billions in criminal assets. It undermines Dutch society, the rule of law and the economy, as well as those of other countries. Behind this are ruthless internationally recognized criminal organizations. A successful approach to this requires firm cooperation agreements with other countries.”

said Yesilgöz-Zegerius. Before the summer, the minister is organizing a conference with France, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Germany on the European approach to undermining.

Yesilgöz-Zegerius also spoke about prosecuting travelers to terrorist areas.

“IS terrorists must be held accountable for their heinous acts, for joining a terrorist organization, for the suffering they have caused the Yazidis. The cabinet continues to look at the possibilities of trial in the region in collaboration with other countries such as France.”

Of course, there was also talk about the safe haven that European member states offer people fleeing the war in Ukraine. The Netherlands is working hard to prepare sufficient shelter and support, and the adoption of the temporary protection directive last week in the European Justice Council is a milestone in this.
