Street robbers Maastricht according to police traveling trio | 1Limburg

A woman who was brutally robbed of her bag on the street in Maastricht last summer, is the victim of a group of men who travel to commit these kinds of crimes, according to the police.

The police conclude this on the basis of surveillance images published on Tuesday evening by Investigation Requested

Servaas Bridge
It shows how the men see their victim on the Sint Servaas Bridge on the late evening of 8 July and turn around a little further down the Wycker Brugstraat. From there they chase a 32-year-old woman, after which they overtook her in the City Park. There they spoke to her in French. One of the three men pulled her arms back, the others snatched her bag. Then they fled.

The police think that these three are traveling around to commit robberies, partly because one of the three perpetrators had a blue sleeping mat with him. With the broadcast, the researchers hope to get tips from people such as camping owners or landlords of rooms, who have provided the three with shelter.
