Stranger Things actress Maya Hawke shares new music video and tour dates for 2023





Maya Hawke has released a new video for ‘Mermaid Bar’ and tour dates for 2023. She is best known for her role as Robin Buckley in the Netflix hit Stranger Things.

Their 13-track LP “MOSS” was released on September 23rd. The third clip (after “Sweet Tooth” and “Thérèse”) was released on October 19 with “Mermaid Bar”. The number was created in collaboration with Lazar Davis, Christian Lee Hutson and Will Graefe.

The story of a mermaid is told with comic-style pictures by Elle Hirst. Animation was done by Nico Bonaquist.

Tour dates for Germany 2023

In 2023, Hawke will embark on an EU and UK tour. Advance sales begin on Wednesday (October 26, 10 a.m.). The dates for shows in Germany:

  • February 27: Franz Club, Berlin
  • March 1st: Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld, Cologne

The album MOSS

The musician composed all 13 titles together with Lazar Davis, Christian Lee Hutson and Will Graefe. They deal with topics such as (love) relationships, self-reflection and acceptance.

Hawke says of their release, “It’s a heartbreaking breath of fresh air – at least for me. Doing this felt like a scavenger hunt of sorts. This is sadder than I remember. An attempt to organize a multitude of feelings. Doing this has changed my life: I got to know myself in new ways, but I also took people deep into my heart who I will never let go.”

You can listen to “MOSS” here:

Will Robin Die In Stranger Things Season 5?

In September, the actress revealed that in her role as ice cream seller Robin, she wishes she could “die dramatically like a heroine” in season five of Stranger Things. You can probably see in the series finale from 2024 whether your wish will be implemented.




