Stranger Things 4, one and a half hour episodes: the first 8 minutes

M.hip a little at the exit of Stranger Things 4coming up Netflix Friday 27 May with the first courses 7 episodes of the first part, followed on 1 July by last two. While waiting to find out what will happen, come on YouTube are available preview the first 8 minutes of the new cycle. In addition to the brand new (and final) trailer released today.

Stranger Things 4: the first 8 minutes

It has been understood for quite a while that Matt and Ross Duffer have raised the bar on the series even more. The minutes that open the narration recall, throughverse the genre horrora taste of what awaits us during the episodes.

No.el first episode the series makes a leap temporal nand the past, in the late 70s, more precisely to8 sSeptember 1978. The scene opens in a residential neighborhood in Hawkins. The chamber follows the awakening of a man: makes a crossword puzzle, cut a sprig from a plantfinally gets ready to start the working day. This is the Doctor Brenner (Matthew Modine)who, soon after, goes to Hawkins National Laboratory.

The children “guests” of the center are grappling with some games, under the watchful eye of the attendants. Brenner arrives in the hall and sits down next to Ten. “Are you ready for a new lesson?” He asks. Then they walk through the corridor hand by hand. They cross the Dr. Ellisthe shot tightens on room number 11 and they go further.

Ofeci: “Sei and Dr. Ellis are dead”

Once they are seated, they start the session. Connected to electrodes, Ten is called to interpret some drawings: a sun and a cow. Everything goes well, until Brenner asks him to “visualize” Dr. Ellis and it is at this moment that the boy begins to fidget. Ofand he “sees” her lecturing with Seiwhich has to move a red block.

When Brenner, however, asks him to be more preciso, Ten displays presumably red spots of blood. “They’re screaming,” she says with difficulty. “Six and Dr. Ellis … are both dead”. Meanwhile, in the laboratory something is wrong, Brenner asks for help from Peter and Alec, but gets no response.

So, he approaches the door to go out, but is run over by the door and falls to the ground. When he wakes up, he has a head injury. With difficulty he reaches lifeless Ten and embraces him. Then he leaves the room and goes to the room where the children were playing. They are all dead, including the attendants. All But One: Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown). “What did you do?” Asks Brenner. And a new chapter begins.

David Harbor: «So comand it ends Stranger Things 4 know cwhat will happen in Stranger Things 4 we have to wait for the release on May 27th. Meanwhile, it is interesting to know that the only one to know the ending is David Harborwho in the series plays Jim Hopper. The actor, however, has no intention of giving spoiler. Indeed, in an interview with Variety he has declared: “I’ll take this secret with me to the grave”. In recent years, fans of the series have wondered several times what will happen to it. Harbor just said: “I know what’s going on and it’s very moving and very beautiful”.

The reasonand for which the Duffer brothers they revealed to Harbor how things will go is not about privileged treatment, but a mere work requirement. “I needed to know his fate and why it ends up like this”, he has declared. “I think there will be something about morality, or at least responsible storytelling, in what the Duffers are doing. (…) I think there is a speech of responsibility tooand behind Hopper’s demise and I needed to know it to figure out how to address it“.

Left to right: Eduardo Franco (Argyle), Charlie Heaton (Jonathan), Millie Bobby Brown (11), Noah Schnapp (Will Byers), and Finn Wolfhard (Mike Wheeler). (Netflix)

To reveal something more of the new episodes were the actors. On the occasion of the press conference, Natalia Dyer and Charlie Heaton – interpreters of respectively Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers – revealed that Stranger Things 4 it is “a different project than the others”. “They have been the strongest, darkest and most terrifying episodes since we started. Expect more horror “Dyer suggested. And, in fact, the first 8 minutes are promising, echoes Byers, who says: «This is the most developed season. For us it was a gamble. The public will finally be able to understand what is happening to Hawkins“.

The duration of the episodes from Stranger Things 4

The first 8 minutes of Stranger Things 4 correspond to a kind of functional prologue to the continuation of the narrative. A narrative that is closer to a cinematic saga than to a series properly understood.

And in fact, if an episode of a standard series is around 40-50 minutes, the opening one of ST4 goes beyond the hour. And not only that. The minutes up to episode 8 they vary between one hour and one hour and 38 minutes, while the grand finale will keep you glued for two and a half hours. In total, that’s over 5 hours longer than in previous seasons.

