Stormy weather not over yet: gusts of wind continue | 1Limburg

After the havoc left behind by storm Eunice on Friday, the wind will continue to be strong from Saturday evening to Monday.

There are strong wind gusts of approximately 80 kilometers per hour, reports Meteo Limburg.

Wind gusts
From Saturday evening, Limburg will have to deal with a south-westerly wind with a wind force of 5 to 6. The strong, cold wind will be supplemented with showers.

Although the weather becomes calmer in the morning hours on Sunday, wind force 5-6 makes its return again by noon. It is, however, relatively mild: the mercury rises to about 11 degrees.

According to Meteo Limburg, the weather will still be turbulent on Monday. The heavy wind gusts of approximately 80 kilometers per hour again cause wind force 6.

train traffic
The NS expects to be able to run almost the planned timetable again on Sunday, but travelers still have to take into account blockages and cancellations on Saturday evening. On some stretches there may still be disruption due to the repair work after Friday’s storm.

On the route between Sittard and Maastricht, among other things, train traffic will probably no longer be resumed on Saturday evening.

Storm Eunice
Storm Eunice crossed the Netherlands on Friday and left havoc throughout the country. Wind speeds above 140 kilometers per hour were measured. Eunice thus grew into a ‘heavy storm’.

Also read: This is what Limburg looks like after storm Eunice has raged

On Saturday, about 800 damage reports came in to the safety regions of Limburg as a result of the storm. As far as is known, no injuries were reported by storm Eunice.
