Storm Ciarán is approaching the province, southerly storm along the west coast

Storm Ciarán will hit our province tomorrow. And although this storm will not be too bad over land, weatherman Jan Visser predicts a southerly storm along the west coast and much, much rain until the middle of next week.

November starts with ‘overcast weather’, says NH weatherman Jan Visser. The (drizzle) rain will continue for a while. During the morning and in the first half of the afternoon we will have a small break: then it will be drier and the sun can show itself. At 14 degrees it will be slightly warmer than normal for this time of year.

It will rain again at the end of the afternoon and beginning of the evening. It will then become dry again during the evening. The wind blows from the south, moderate and occasionally strong over land. On the coast the wind is strong to strong with wind force six to seven.

Storm Ciaran

A new rain area will appear tonight, and that is a preview for tomorrow, because then storm Ciarán is on the menu. “A strongly deepening ocean depression that is now located in the middle of the ocean,” Visser explains.

“Tomorrow there will be a lot of wind,” said the weatherman. “It is favorable for us that the wind blows from the south, so the storm is less strong and is slowed down above land.”

Southern storm approaching

The storm has hurricane force along the English coast, which fortunately is not too bad in North Holland. However, the wind force above land can still reach six, with wind force seven to eight along the coast. “There may be a southerly storm along the west coast,” said Visser.

Wind gusts could reach up to 90 kilometers per hour tomorrow, but near the sea there is a chance of gusts of wind up to 100 kilometers per hour, the weatherman said. “That could be a little more, but as it looks now that is probably not the case.”

Tomorrow there will also be rain during the night and morning. After some clear spells, the rain returns in the afternoon. The wind will decrease during the evening and it will then be about 13 degrees.

Continuous rain

It will still be quite windy and showery on Friday, this also applies to the weekend and a large part of the week after. “We will have a depression over the North Sea and the British Isles until the middle of next week,” Jan Visser explains. “With a good chance of quite a bit of precipitation.”

You can also put on an extra sweater under the rain suits, because the temperatures are dropping. It will be around 10 degrees on Friday. The barometer will then remain around 11 degrees.
