Storm Boy, film: plot, cast friendship child and a pelican

Sttasera on Channel 5 at 21.20 the film is broadcast on TV Storm Boy – The boy who could flyplayed by the Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush. A touching story that addresses the issue of conservation environmental and the animal world. A journey through the life of Michael, a child marked by his friendship with a pelican.

It has already happened to Sebastien with the dog Belleto Elijah Woodas little Sandy, with the dolphin Pinball. Friendship between children and animals has always been a must in cinema. In Storm Boy the protection of the environment, an increasingly urgent issue, is also addressed more directly.

Storm Boy: the plot

Little Michael Kingley, nicknamed “Storm Boy” (Finn Little), has become a successful retired businessman (Geoffrey Rush). Thanks to the granddaughter Maddy (Morgana Davies), sensitive to environmental issuesthe uncle begins to recall his childhood spent with his father Faraway Tom (Jai Courtney), when they lived along the pristine coast of Coorong National Park, in South Australia.

Michael tells his granddaughter about when he had rescued from poachers and raised a motherless pelicanto which he had given his name Mr. Percival. Their bond was special and that meeting marked his whole life, to the point of helping him make a choice about the future of his family and the environment that surrounds him.

Storm Boyan environmental film

The film, based on the 1976 children’s best-seller of the same name written by Colin Thiele, also focuses on environmental issues. The granddaughter of Michael is a young woman who fights to safeguard a piece of the Australian coast that risks losing its ecosystem and the fauna that lives in that wild place.

Michael can help his granddaughter in this stubborn battle. Five pelicans were found and raised for the film. The actor Finn Little he first came into contact with birds when they were only six months old, a way to allow him to form some sort of bond with the animals. He spent a lot of time with them, so the pelicans recognized him as part of the group.

A pelican as a friend and the latest Geoffrey Rush film

Storm Boy is a film suitable for the whole family and especially for children who love animals. Mr. Parsival hasn’t had as much luck as other animals launched into the film business, such as Lessie, Rin Tin Tin, the dolphin Pinball or the dog Beautifulbut the airing could help bring young viewers’ attention back to a new cinematic friend, and bring them closer to nature.

This is the last Oscar-winning film Geoffrey Rush. The Australian actor after starring Albert Einstein in the TV series genius, indulge in a lighter product. The environmental theme did not leave the actor indifferent Shakespeare in Love who threw himself headlong into this touching story aimed at raising awareness among the youngest.

