Storm Babet causes major problems in Northern Europe, four people died

Storm Babet, which has been raging across Northern Europe since Thursday, has cost the lives of four people. International news agencies reported this on Saturday. The storm, which originated over the Atlantic Ocean and raged mainly in Germany and Denmark on Saturday, killed two people in Scotland on Friday. One person died from the storm in both England and Germany.

In Scotland, a 57-year-old woman drowned in a river into which she was swept by the storm. A man died when a tree fell on his van while he was in it. Tens of thousands of households in Scotland were left without power due to the storm. Several houses and roads were flooded. England was hit less severely than Scotland, but a man was also killed there by the storm. He could not escape rapidly rising water.

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Storm Babet, which passed over the Netherlands on Friday but caused little damage, is causing major problems in Germany and Denmark on Saturday. A person died on the German coast when a tree fell on the car he was in at the time. In the German city of Flensburg, north of Hamburg, the highest water level in more than a hundred years was measured: 2.27 meters above normal level. Several streets were flooded.

Denmark is experiencing one of the worst storm surges in a century due to the storm. In some cities the water was two meters high and people had to be evacuated. The storm is also causing problems in the south of Sweden on Saturday.

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<strong>Storm Babet in Scotland</strong> plays a role in the temperature differences in the Netherlands.” class=”dmt-article-suggestion__image” src=”×96/smart/filters:no_upscale()/s3/”/></p><aside data-article-id=
