Storingen at various betaal machines smaller banks opgelost | Inland

The problems with the betaalautomaten from different banks, Waaronder Argenta, bpost bank (now onderdeel van BNP Paribas Fortis), vdk bank, Crelan, AXA Bank Belgium and Europabank, are not resolved. The machines are fully operational since 1st night, followed by a personal report from the Jofico Seed Works Association.

“Technical teams from the manufacturer lift the door and door from the storage in the map and open the doors,” he says. Jofico and the banks apologize for the ongemak. Donderdagavond report to Jofico that many ATMs are the ones that had good service due to technical problems, so they lost some transactions.

Jofico, by the Joint Financial Company, is responsible for the protection of multiple ATMs from Argenta, bpost, vdk bank and three banks from Crelan Groep, named Crelan, AXA Bank Belgium and Europabank.

Jofico maintains the machines from several banks, which are located in bank offices and have been exploited on the commercial side of the bank in question. The four main banks work really differently, with bank-neutral machines in their own locations.

KIJK OOK. Uitgelegd: Zo works a plofkraak
