Storing eggs – in the fridge or at room temperature?

When storing eggs, the most important thing is a constant temperature.

Eggs should be kept in their original packaging. Adobe Stock / AOP

Should the eggs be kept in the refrigerator or at room temperature? The optimal temperature would be found somewhere between these, so if you have a cool cabinet in your household, you don’t have to think about storing eggs anymore.

If there is no refrigerator, the eggs can be stored either at room temperature or in the refrigerator. The most important thing is a constant temperature, i.e. do not change the storage location.

If you store the eggs in the refrigerator, it’s a good idea to bring up to room temperature before baking only the number of eggs you plan to use instead of the whole cell.

Do not remove from the cell

Eggs should be kept in their original packaging. It prevents the transfer of odors and flavors to the eggs and also prevents the eggs from evaporating.

Eggs usually remain usable for a long time past the best-before date. You can check freshness with a water dish test: a spoiled egg will float.

However, the surest way is a sensory test. Crack an egg into a bowl. A spoiled egg can be recognized by an unpleasant smell.

Boiled or fried?

Read here how to cook the perfect egg.

Those who like fried eggs should read Michelin chef Sauli Kemppainen’s tip for the perfect fried egg.

The story was originally published on January 5, 2022.

This is how you peel an egg easily.
