Stop: Vesa-Matti Loir’s Ukko son is now talking about the inheritance dispute

Ukko Loiri talks about the problems of inheritance distribution in a recent interview with Seiska magazine.

An acting legend Vesa-Matti Loirin son Ukko Loiri28, now comments on his family’s inheritance dispute At a standstill. The court previously held that the one named by Loir Tuula Rainto is suitable as an inheritance sharer, even the actress’s daughters Jenni and Ritta disagreed on the matter.

Ukko admits to the magazine that the division of the inheritance has not progressed as smoothly as he would have liked. He would never have believed, for example, that selling his father’s cottage would be so challenging.

– The situation right now is that things have dragged on and become complicated. The account of the estate is almost in the red, and the executor still hasn’t gotten Faija’s Inarijärvi cottage for sale, even to a broker. The situation is still messed up, he commented to Seiska.

According to Uko, Rainto was unable to find a new broker for the cottage until the man said he would give a magazine interview. Now the family is considering whether they will agree to Rainto’s mediation proposal.

– He has only explained that it is difficult to find a suitable broker. Apparently, no one wants that cabin because of the publicity, even if you think it’s just the opposite. We have also not agreed to put it up for sale too cheaply, but the asking price should be 300,000 euros.

Vesa-Matti Loir’s will was the subject of a fierce legal battle. INKA SOVERI

Vesa-Matti Loiri died at the age of 77, exhausted by a long illness. The funeral was held on September 20 in Johanneskirka in Helsinki, but Ukko himself could not attend. Loir’s childhood friend at the time Jorma “Nona” Alvesalo told Iltalehte that Ukko couldn’t make it to the funeral because of work.

Now Ukko opens the reasons in more detail to Seiska.

– I had actually just got a job, and I was busy with the music stuff as well. Veskuk also always said that don’t come to the funeral for nothing, I won’t be there anymore either, he states.

According to Ukko Loir, his father’s villa is currently for sale for 300,000 euros. The picture is from 2012. STEEP VESA
