stop overthinking to live better – iO Donna

TOnsia and stress are often the cause ofoverthinking, or thinking too much. But if thinking is so helpful, why do people get lost in rumination and anguish? Constantly analyzing your life and yourselfusually, it is not wanted, it is unstoppable and counterproductive. As a rule, our brains help us solve problems and understand things more clearly, thinking too much produces the opposite effect. So what to do to get out of this vortex?

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Overthinking and unhappiness

Thinking too much is a major cause of unhappiness. Often we get stuck in an endless cycle of thoughts and this generates discomfort. The solution is stay in the present and take your mind off the things that don’t matter. He explains it Nick Trentonbehavioral psychologist, in his latest work, “Stop Thinking Too Much” (LSWR). A book for all those who lose their minds in the trap of anxiety and stress. The author draws on the principles of behavioral psychology and guides readers through the obstacles with techniques and strategies that help reduce anxiety, control thoughts And change mental habits.

Anxiety: the possible causes

What is clear is that it is anxiety about overthinking, but what is behind the anxiety disorder? “Research into the causes of anxiety is still ongoing. Some competing theories suggest it is a question of personality or a biological predisposition, that is, inherited from equally anxious parents. Anxiety often manifests itself along with other disorders, both mental (like depression), both physical (such as irritable bowel syndrome). However, it has been observed that certain groups, for example women suffer most from it and what elements like diet, stressful lifestyles, past traumas and even culture they play an active role, ”explains Trenton.

Anxiety and genetics

“No expert has ever been able to identify with absolute certainty a single genetic cause for anxiety. However, the researchers have discovered a genetic component. Dr. Purves with others in the office Molecular Psychiatrypublished in 2019, argued that the chromosome 9 harbors genes associated with the development of anxiety. Having these genes, however, by no means means that anxiety will develop. The study goes on to explain that anxiety disorders have a inheritance rate of 26%. What about the remaining 74%? This it depends on the environment and by factors such as the family history, past experiences and current lifestyle. Such a research can be complex because they exist two ways to “inherit” anxiety from parents: one is genetic, the other resides in parenting, in our first educational experiences and so on. It is therefore difficult to separate the genetic influences from the behavioral ones », continues the expert.

Stress – positive or negative?

Stress is not a bad thing. If it comes to “Eustress”, or good stresswe will have a kind of daily pressure that it inspires us, keeps us on our toes and challenges us to improve ourselves. But when the stress becomes too intense, produces the opposite effect and it only works to drain our psychological resources, making us feel unable to react. At the other extreme, we can be stressed even by the complete lack of stimuli: it’s about “Hypostress” and occurs when our environment it does not pose us sufficient challenges. This shows us that to feel good we don’t need a stress-free environment, but one that is suited to our needs, ”says Trenton.

