Stolen safe with photos of deceased Wesley fished out of the water

1/2 The stolen safe with contents was dumped in the water near Lierop. (photo: Dave Hendriks SQ Vision Media Productions)

The stolen safe of Ferd Engels from Beek en Donk has been found. The safe containing photos of his deceased son was stolen from his home in Beek en Donk earlier this month. The police found the safe in the Goorloop stream near the Eindhoven Canal in Lierop. Ferd himself does not want to respond until he has seen the content. “Everything has to dry first.”

Profile photo of Femke de Jong

A suspect was arrested earlier this month. He eventually told the police where the safe could be found.

In addition to valuables, the safe also contained the priceless photos of his deceased son Wesley. There were pictures he hadn’t seen yet. He and his wife waited for the right moment. Ferd called on social media to throw the photos through his mailbox if necessary. The rest of the stolen stuff was less important to him.

To dry
The photos in question show, among other things, how son Wesley is lying in state. The images of the funeral are also in the safe. Ferd does not yet dare to hope that everything will be fine now. “I want to see the contents first. Everything is drying now and I can’t come and have a look until everything is dry.”

READ ALSO: Safe with photos of deceased Wesley stolen: police arrest perpetrator
