Stoffel Vandoorne drives to victory in Monaco and becomes leader in World Cup position

Stoffel Vandoorne drives to victory in Monaco and becomes leader in World Cup position

Vandoorne, who started from fourth position, was 1,285 ahead of New Zealander Mitch Evans (Jaguar TCS), who was unable to cash in on pole position. Frenchman Jean-Eric Vergne (DS Techeetah) completed the podium.

“I feel very special, because this is the most beautiful race you can win as a driver,” said Vandoorne in the flash interview after the race.

In the World Cup standings, Vergne has to give up his leading position to Vandoorne, who now has 81 points. The Frenchman has six points less. Evans is in third place with 72 points.

The Formula E championship will continue on May 14 and 15 with two races in the German capital Berlin.
