Still uncertain whether petrol prices in Germany will fall on Wednesday | 1Limburg

It is not yet certain whether prices at German gas stations will fall by about 35 cents, and diesel by 17 cents, by next Wednesday.

Some brands may first use up the old stock at the old prices, according to a tour of gas stations on the German side of the border on Monday. Germany will lower the tax by 35 cents per liter for three months from 1 June.

Battle of the arm
Some gas stations along the border expect prices to fall by the first day of June, but many others are reluctant. “Could also be June 2, we don’t know,” says a gas station owner in Kaldenkirchen, just across the border near Venlo. “That depends on the decision that the major oil companies take centrally.”

Big crowds expected
However, many gas station operators expect large crowds by Dutch motorists. After all, they expect to be 50 cents cheaper than in our country. But that expectation is tempered by some German gas station owners.

“Two weeks ago the price here was still 2.00 euros, but the prices are rising quickly, here already 2.30 euros,” says a pump owner in Gronau, Germany, near Enschede. “If the price falls on Wednesday, it will be back to the level of two weeks ago. It hardly pays to cross the border. I do not expect large traffic jams.”

traffic chaos
Still other gas station owners do not dare to make predictions. “I can’t look into a crystal ball,” says the entrepreneur of a gas station in Elmpt, just across the border at Roermond. “We let ourselves be surprised.” Traffic chaos is expected in Kaldenkirchen. Who should tackle it? Nobody knows. The gas station owners say it is none of their business, the police are waiting, and the municipalities have no plans to regulate the crowds.

Increase prices
In the meantime, distrust is growing towards the major oil companies in Germany, who would like to profit from the price cuts and increase their prices considerably. German media reported on Monday that prices are “going through the roof”, an increase in a few weeks of between 6.5 and 9.5 percent. Prices in Belgium are clearly lower, according to German media.
