Still, it’s time for carnival: schools get an extra week for a progression test

After months of arguing back and forth, the politicians in The Hague and Den Bosch can bury the hatchet. Students in group 8 are given an extra week to take the progression test, so that they also have time to celebrate Carnival. Minister of Education Mariëlle Paul announced this.

“It is important that students can take the progression test in group 8 on time and properly. At the same time, as a native of Brabant, I understand very well that children in the south want to enjoy the beautiful carnival. That is part of their identity,” the minister writes. “That is why I have decided to extend the period in which the test can be taken, so that good preparation is possible for every student.”

‘Just move Carnival’
Minister Paul previously shared the opinion of her predecessor Dennis Wiersma. He thought that carnival should be moved. He retracted that clumsy statement after some fierce reactions. But the planning was not adjusted.

Motions from both the Provincial Council and the House of Representatives had to be passed to persuade Minister Paul to grant an extra week for the advancement test. And schools in Brabant and Limburg, the Brabant Carnival Federation and the Collaborating Limburg Vastelaovend Associations, among others, also called on Education Minister Mariëlle Paul (VVD) to move the advancement test.

The minister, originally from Geldrop, is now responding to these calls. This school year the test can be taken from January 29 to February 18. Within that period, the schools themselves choose on which half-days, a maximum of two, they administer the test.

Celebrating more than a few days
Ad Koopman of the Carnival Federation is happy with it. “There was not much more than an extra week, we understand that because of the timeline.” He would have preferred to take the test completely outside the carnival season. “But I understand that that is practically impossible. I think schools can manage with the extra week.”

Yet he would like to see some more change in the coming years: “I would like people in The Hague to take into account that carnival is more than the few days we celebrate it. For some, it takes place months in advance.”


Move carnival or test? Province sends letter to The Hague

Carnival celebrations in primary schools appear to be saved by the House of Representatives
