Stiko paves way for fourth vaccination – 236,120 new infections

Berlin/Frankfurt (Reuters) – Against the background of increasing corona numbers, the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) has spoken out in favor of a fourth vaccination for certain risk groups.

The Stiko recommends a second booster vaccination for people aged 70 and over, people in nursing homes and medical facilities and people with immune deficiencies. Health-endangered groups of people should get the fourth vaccination no earlier than three months after the third, the staff no earlier than after six months, Stiko explained on Thursday. Meanwhile, the Robert Koch Institute reported new record levels in the number of infections, the seven-day incidence and people in isolation.

The Stiko justified the recommendation with research results from Israel, which show an additional protective effect through a fourth vaccination. In addition to the previous Covid-19 vaccines, the commission now also recommends the vaccine Nuvaxovid from Novavax for the basic immunization of people aged 18 and over. It is rather unusual for Stiko to recommend a fourth dose based only on the data from Israel. So far, the commission has been rather cautious with its corona vaccination recommendations.

The experts at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recently stated that there was still no information as to whether a fourth dose would also have to be administered. For people with severely compromised immune systems, it might be worth considering. In Israel, a fourth dose for high-risk groups and people over 60 has been offered since the beginning of the year. According to the Israeli Ministry of Health, people who have received a fourth vaccination are three to five times better protected against serious illnesses and twice as well protected against infections than those who have been vaccinated three times. Other countries such as Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and Hungary have also paved the way for a fourth vaccination.


Despite the increasing corona numbers, Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner has already called for the 2G rules in retail to be abolished. In several federal states, the courts have already overturned 2-G rules in retail. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder is also committed to opening steps that the federal and state governments want to decide on on February 16th. The government spokesman for the traffic light government emphasized on Wednesday that it was too early for a timetable for corona easing in view of the increasing numbers. This is exactly what the German Medical Association and the German Hospital Society (DKG) require. “If the infection process develops as epidemiologists predict, the number of cases will gradually decrease from the end of February,” Klaus Reinhardt, President of the German Medical Association, told the editorial network Germany. Countries like Sweden also decided to withdraw corona measures again.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a new high on Thursday with 236,120 new infections within 24 hours. The nationwide seven-day incidence rose to 1283.2 from 1227.5 the previous day – that too is a record. 164 other people died in connection with the virus. The most affected federal state is Berlin with an incidence of 1790.2. According to the RKI, 2,435,300 people are currently infected and therefore in isolation – more than ever before. The Ministry of Health expects the omicron wave to peak in mid-February with at least 400,000 new infections every day.

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