Sticky nights are finally over, it will be Dutch summer weather

It’s been a while with the very hot weather. Last night was therefore the last sticky night for the time being. On Sunday it was almost 32 degrees in Brabant, but on Monday it will be ‘only’ 23 to 24 degrees, with occasional clouds.

It will be Dutch summer weather. The wind has turned to the west and you will notice that when you come outside: it is a lot cooler. And the same goes for next night. No more sticky night, but 12 to 14 degrees.

Sunday was one of the hottest days of the year with over thirty degrees. But this week the mercury will struggle to touch 25 degrees.

On Tuesday it will be about 23 degrees with a moderate westerly wind. Thursday it can be a bit warmer with 25 degrees. Towards the weekend there will even be showers and the wind will increase.
