Stewardess Stacy (28) lives on the French island of Réunion: ‘I don’t miss the cold’

Many Zoetermeer residents don’t want to think about leaving their beloved hometown. Stacy (28), however, dared to do it and has been living on the sunny island of Réunion for seven years. As a flight attendant she flies all over the world!


We speak to Stacy by video call. At the time, she was in her permanent home of Saint-Denis on the French island of Réunion. That is where her partner Etienne comes from. Stacy herself comes from Zoetermeer. ”I was born in the LangeLand hospital and grew up in Oosterheem for the most part. I went to the ONC and then I studied tourism.” Stacy has always wanted to see more of the world, which is why she chose this course. “I always thought it would be cool to live in different places.”

Stacy with Clooney in Zoetermeer. Photo: Private

Internship in France

Stacy discovers during her first internship in France that this wish will also have a romantic motive. ”I worked at a campsite in Montpellier, in the animation team. That was great fun, every day we came up with fun activities for the children at the campsite and did performances. I had seen the lifeguard on the campsite before, but it wasn’t until we had a joint party with the staff that we really got to talking. That sparked the fire,” says Stacy with a laugh. And that spark was not extinguished, despite the long distance the couple had to cover.

Stacy with her boyfriend Étienne | Photo: Private

On to Reunion

In 2014 Stacy visited Réunion for the first time, the island where Etienne comes from. ”I immediately thought it was very cool, I had never been so far away from home. In terms of atmosphere, the island resembles France, but there is a different culture. Especially the older generation here is very religious. For example, if you travel across the island, you will come across temples everywhere.” In terms of language, Stacy also faced a challenge. ”I was far from fluent in French, I only had my language skills from secondary school. In addition, everyone here speaks Creole, except French.”
Despite the language barrier, Stacy decided to move to the island for Etienne seven years ago. “When I came to live here I took French lessons at the university.”

A flying start

On the island, Stacy has several jobs. First of all, she works in a restaurant, which turns out to be difficult because of the language. She then teaches English to school-aged children. However, Stacy finds her true calling when she learns about a new airline company being founded on the island. “I was allowed to apply as a flight attendant. The application process consisted of several rounds. Your knowledge of the profession was tested, but also whether you could work well together. You also had to take an English test.” Stacy was accepted and then received her official flight attendant certification. A new adventure could begin!

Busy schedule

Stacy has now been working as a flight attendant for five years and thanks to her profession she travels all over the world. “My work is very varied. I usually do about four rotations a month, which means I’m home for a few days and on location for a few days each week. I get my schedule a month in advance.” Stacy often realizes that her work life is different from most people’s. ”Sometimes I have to miss important things, like birthdays. That is unfortunately no different. If I succeed at all, I try to plan it in such a way that I can maintain my social contacts.”

Stacy as a flight attendant. Photo: Private

Around the world

Stacy regularly visits Europe, especially Paris, because of her airline’s French ties. “Then I meet my aunt who lives there, or occasionally I travel on to the Netherlands.”
Furthermore, Stacy also enjoys all the nice side effects of her profession. ”I see so many beautiful places: Tahiti, New York… One of my favorite places remains San Francisco. That was one of the first distant destinations I flew to, and that place still has a magical atmosphere.”

Family ties

When Stacy is on Réunion, she lives with her Etienne. He works as a swimming teacher. “We live here next to my in-laws. That is strange for the Dutch, but here it is very common. My parents-in-law had a piece of land that still had room for a house, so we had it built in the yard.” Stacy also has good contact with her own family. “My sister soon came to visit here. My parents also came for the first time last May. That took a while, because my mother has a fear of flying. I really like that she came anyway, now she finally has a good idea of ​​my place of residence.”

She doesn’t have to doubt for long whether Stacy misses her homeland. ”Of course I miss my friends and sometimes I long for a cheese sandwich… But other than that I really like it here. And I don’t miss the Dutch cold at all,” she answers honestly. Look, at least she hasn’t forgotten that Dutch level-headedness!

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