Sterre was hit by glass bottle after Intents: ‘Everything covered in blood’

For 25-year-old Sterre from Kerkdriel, last weekend’s Intents Festival also ended without alcohol with a huge hangover. She was hit at the exit on Sunday evening by a glass bottle that had been thrown into the public and suffered a serious head injury that had to be stitched up. Two days later she is still sad about it. “How childish and pathetic can you be?”

A ‘cunt’. “What an idiot!” and ‘How terribly retarded people can be!’ The reactions to Sterre’s Facebook call leave little to the imagination. Neither are the photos.

“We had a really nice day,” Sterre begins, “but when we were walking in the crowd towards the buses, we suddenly heard a bang. At first, very strangely, I didn’t feel anything at all. Then suddenly people approached me. started yelling and pointing, I felt a twinge of pain, I heard a beep in my head and everything was covered in blood.”

“Fortunately, there was security along the path. They gave me water and called the emergency room. Then, pressing the wound, I had to cross the entire area again to the treatment table. There I was anesthetized with four syringes and the wound of four centimeters sutured. All pretty intense.”

smiling guys
“Since you kept yourself nice and ‘safe’ among the public, I ask everyone who walked off the site from this exit on Sunday 29 May around 23:15/23:30 pm to send me a message when you have seen something or happened to have filmed something,” Sterre wrote on Monday, hoping to find out the identity of the perpetrator.

“One girl who was walking behind me at that moment told me she saw a group of boys laughing and running away quickly. But it all went so fast… We hope that we can review the camera images via Intents.”

The 25-year-old Kerkdrielse is doing reasonably well under the circumstances. “I do have a splitting headache and I’ve been in bed for two days. The doctor does not assume a concussion, but advises me to take it easy for a week.”

“In addition, disbelief predominates. Especially since that girl said she heard boys running away laughing. How childish and pathetic can you be? That you laugh when you see me in pain and the blood running from my head. I don’t get that at all. I’d like to ask the thrower of that bottle. Anyway, I don’t expect him to be tough enough to contact me. I hope that from now on he will think before he does or throws something.”
