steroids for 10 years – the heart was examined

Power buyer Larry Wheels was worried about the condition of his heart.

Cedric McMillan died suddenly. ZUMAwire / MVphotos

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Power buyer Larry Wheels says she has been using performance-enhancing drugs for ten years. 27-year-old Wheels opens up on the subject With their Youtube video.

The gymnast was concerned about the effects of the substances on his health as a famous bodybuilder Cedric McMillan died in April at the age of 44. McMillan had a heart attack on a treadmill.

Last year, bodybuilders also died of heart problems Shawn Rhoden and George Peterson. Rhoden was 46 years old at the time of death, and Peterson was 37 years old.

Because of the tragedies, Wheels wanted to find out if he was at risk of experiencing the same fate.

– Recently, bodybuilders have died of heart attacks. Many have been concerned about their health because of it. I’m talking about people who abuse performance-enhancing substances. I’ve been abusing them for ten years in the tube, Wheels said.

Wheels started using steroids at the age of 17.


If the video doesn’t appear, you can watch it its here.

Wheels sought medical attention. At the reception, a heart film was taken from him on a treadmill, and an echo scan was taken.

Tests can be used to determine if a patient is suffering from an irregular and high heart rate or a narrowing of the arteries.

Wheels were found to be healthy.

– Everything was ok. I’m in shock. I can’t believe this after ten years. Maybe I didn’t abuse (the substances) as much as I thought. According to the doctor, I have a completely normal heart for a young man.

Wheels’ heart muscle was thicker than average, according to doctors. However, this may be due to the large amount of training.

The muscle bundle is now urging its other doping colleagues to see a doctor.

– You may not be as lucky as I am. If you wait too long and have symptoms such as chest pain and an irregular heartbeat, it may be too late.
