Steps to face the short and longer term asylum crisis | News item

News item | 09-08-2022 | 19:25

The asylum crisis, most visible at the application center in Ter Apel, requires extra steps – in the short, medium and long term. Security regions, municipalities, implementing organizations and social organizations and the national government are committed to many fronts. The government is also exploring possible adjustments to asylum and migration policy.

In recent months we have seen harrowing images of people sleeping outside on chairs or in the grass, while awaiting the start of their asylum procedure. There are too few reception places for asylum seekers and the flow of status holders to homes is not getting off to a good start. Over the past few weeks, the central government has investigated all possible ways to arrive at a quick solution together with COA, municipalities and security regions. This has not yet led to a breakthrough. That is why new measures are needed.

Talking about extra places

To start with, it is necessary to create additional crisis emergency shelters. The cabinet is in talks with municipalities and security regions to create another 225 crisis emergency shelters per security region. In addition, they are asked to use part of the municipal shelters for refugees from Ukraine where possible. This question is based on voluntary participation and availability at municipalities.

Accelerated flow

The Taskforce for Acceleration of Temporary Housing was established to support municipalities in building flexible housing. Some of these will also be made available to status holders. In the medium term, work is underway on new reception locations and the use of cruise ships to create additional reception areas. COA has also been commissioned to provide temporary pavilions and other mobile facilities as soon as possible.

New reception locations

The government understands that this is asking a lot of the regions. Certainly because so many efforts have already been made in many places to receive asylum seekers and refugees. However, the reception crisis shows that there are not yet enough (emergency) reception locations. That is why the government is deploying an exceptional resource: the spatial planning instruments. This will enable the central government to take on the licensing of new reception locations. This makes it possible to use central government real estate for reception. There are currently two locations in the picture where approximately 1000 reception places can be realized together. This is being discussed with the concerned municipalities. When using these instruments, the central government also considers it of the utmost importance to work well with the municipality and to properly involve and inform the municipal council and local residents.

Just and effective

The asylum crisis also requires a longer-term approach. It is not without reason that the security regions have urged the cabinet to develop structural measures. The government is therefore exploring various options by preparing decision-making for both European and national policy. Partly at the request of municipalities, a bill is also being drawn up that establishes a statutory reception task for municipalities, with legal instruments if necessary.

Tackling this crisis is a major social task. It is important to ensure that the dire situation of asylum seekers comes to an end as soon as possible and that we continue to build a fair and effective asylum and migration policy.
