Stem cell donation: Leipzig’s Orban may be missing against Union Berlin

Status: 07.02.2023 12:02 p.m

Willi Orban can save lives. The central defender from RB Leipzig becomes a stem cell donor and accepts missing the cracker against Union Berlin.

RB Leipzig captain Willi Orban becomes a stem cell donor. The Hungarian international, who has been registered in the German Bone Marrow Donor Database (DKMS) since 2017, has been receiving injections for the surgery, which is scheduled to take place on Wednesday (June 8), for some time. The 30-year-old is currently doing without team training for this. Orban’s use in the top game against Union Berlin on Saturday (January 11) is questionable.

Orban: ‘I never had any doubts’

“Of course, I was initially surprised when I got the information that I was eligible as a donor. But I never had any doubts, I wanted to tackle the donation directly,” Orban told the Bild newspaper. This is “the possibility of saving a human life with very little effort, there are no two opinions for me”.

Use against the “iron” questionable

During the surgery in Dresden, which lasts several hours, Orban will have some stem cells removed. Ideally, he can leave the hospital in the evening. It is unclear how quickly the central defender will be operational again. “Of course it’s possible that I’ll miss the game against Union – despite all my sporting ambitions, that’s secondary in this case,” he said. He will “do everything” to get back to the team as soon as possible.

