Steffi about horse farmer Hans: ‘He is looking for a buddy, not a teacher’

The guest week of Farmer Seeks Woman has started. And how! For Steffi, Sunday night’s episode was, in one word, ‘tasty’. The flowers were ready at horse farmer Hans from Strijbeek. “You can take that with you later”, he said to Margriet who had been inside for a few minutes cold.

The rest is also in tip-top shape. Except… the WiFi code. “He had prepared everything so well, but he had to call his daughter for that, great isn’t it,” laughs Steffi.

“I thought it went very pleasantly, but I’m afraid that Margriet will be sidelined. She is too critical. Hans wants a buddy, not a teacher. Annette and Dinie take him as he is and you can see that he is especially happy with Annette And Hans could use that cheerfulness”, Steffi already hints at possible developments.

Steffi made the most of the whole situation at the Drenthe farmer Evert. He was nowhere to be seen when the three lodge women arrived at his farm. Our Strijbeek farmer Hans did better than that.

The reception committee in Drenthe consisted of Evert’s brother, who was lying in a bed in the middle of the kitchen diner, recovering from a bull that had attacked him. Bizarre, but Nans and Maud were very responsive and he even liked Cora: “That’s nice too!”

“You’re not making this up, are you?!” Steffi laughs with a laugh. “I think Talpa would kill for such a real-life soap, just brilliant.

And then Evert himself: “I expected that he would be very nervous,” says Steffi, “but none of that, as if three women on the farm are the most normal thing in the world for him.”

Furthermore, Steffi also noticed Maud: “The barn, the cows, it was a bit much for her. You saw her a bit insecure for the first time, even though she had made a whole study of it, haha. A nice stepping stone to next week .”

Yvon had said it like this: no dresses when you are going to stay at the farm! But that was clearly what the headstrong Wendy thought was hers. To the delight of the Gelderland fruit grower Rob, who thought she ‘looked very nice’.

Steffi: “It will be exciting there. It started nice and cozy, but towards the end, when he was talking to Wendy, Sonja and Sylvia on the couch, the atmosphere changed radically. Especially with Wendy and Sylvia who were suddenly very critical of him and found that he was only talking about himself. He should have put wine on the table instead of fruit juices!”

At the Frisian farmer Jouke it seemed to be the most relaxed with the Limburg Marion, Lotte from the Randstad and the spirited Brabant Karlijn. According to Steffi, he is doing well.

“He really wants to get to know them and is trying to figure out who is right for him now, but also in the future and with life on the farm. Of course I hope that Karlijn will be, but I noticed that he has already mentioned Lotte’s concern several times, she comes into the picture a bit more.”

The Limburg sheep farmer Janine saw a mountain against the accommodation week and was quite in the way. But now that she has explained to Yvon how a previous relationship has hurt her, the erected wall is a bit more understandable. The big question: will Christiaan, Sander or Michiel be able to tear down that wall?

Steffi: “Janine is having a hard time. There are a lot of hurdles to take and that is difficult and sad to see. I really hope she finds herself a new love. Who will that be? Michiel could be in for a surprise. When she was alone in the kitchen with him, I think she felt quite comfortable. That’s a start.”
