Stealing Smiles Foundation | News

Juanita is 5 years old and suffers from radio and hand boot agency, was operated on several times in Barcelona where we managed to raise more than $25,000,000 to pay for her operations and rehabilitation; doing the same they discovered another disease called “pyodermis gangrenosum”, Therefore, he must stay in Barcelona for a few more months to undergo treatment. The cost of his remedies, food and stay totals $4,000,000 and we are missing $1,900,000.

We need good people like you to help us spread the word.
We want to ask you if you could upload a video to your Instagram stories asking your followers to join in.
Can you help us?
Donations are made to alias: HELP.SAVE
Thank you.

We were born in 2018, in the city of La Plata. Our mission was always clear to us: to help children with difficult illnesses and their families. Our President and founder is Natalia Paola García.

Our Godparents, María del Carmen Valenzuela and Diego Topa. This is how families who needed us began to contact us and in that way we began a beautiful path, being able to help and be part of campaigns that helped and provided a better quality of life to many children.

Today, thanks to years of work, where we have shown our help, thousands of people have joined in to help us help. Thus we began visiting children who were hospitalized in the wards of the Children’s Hospital in our city, as well as providing them with toys, food and helping their families during their stay. Then we joined in helping homeless people, bringing them food, all achieved based on donations from people.

This is how families who needed us began to contact us and in that way we began a beautiful path being able to help and be part of campaigns that helped and provided a better quality of life to many children. Today, thanks to years of work, where we have demonstrated our help, thousands of people have joined in to help us help.


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