Stay with me, the previews of the second episode

THEthe new deputy commissioner of Rai 1Alessandro Scudieri (Francis Ark), the search for the “thermal lance band” continues in fiction Stay with meafter the shooting at the restaurant that has forever marked his life and that of his wife Paola.

His investigations are now concentrated at night. In fact, Scudieri went to the Night Intervention Unit to stay away from his wife, who, due to the loss of his son, is unable to forgive Alexander. The two, in addition to managing their relationship gone down the drain, have to take care of the little one Diegoleft an orphan. Paola he’s looking for a family home to entrust him to, but her husband doesn’t agree at all.

Stay with me: second episode previews

After the funeral of Gennario Diego (Mario DiLeva) is temporarily hosted at the home of Alessandro and Paola (Laura Adriani). In the meantime, the deputy commissioner decides to investigate on his own the band of robbers who have turned his life upside down, to leave the Flying Squad and to transfer to UDIN, the Night Intervention Unit. Together with the new colleagues Savior (Antonio Milo) e Linda (Chiara Celotto) investigates the case of two boyfriends shot dead after a bachelorette party and a sixteen-year-old girl run over by a car. The director Monica Vullo makes us discover a different Naplesalso underground, where the homeless live.

Between one nocturnal case and another, Alessandro does not let go of the search for the gang of robbers. One evening he crosses the gaze of a woman, who reminds him of the blonde sitting at a table on the day of the shooting. He chases her, but manages to escape him through the alleys of the city. Even in the basement of Naples the policeman notices fresh marks on the walls. Salvatore suspects that his colleague is hiding something. What are you investigating? The two initially do not trust each other, then something clicks. We are certain that they will become allies in the search for the robbers, who in the meantime scores another coup.

Laura Adriani and Mario Di Leva. (Photo by Gianni Fiorito)

Diego’s escape and the possible reconciliation between Paola and Alessandro

Along with stake cases Stay with me tells the story of Diego addressing the issue of adoption. The boy discovers from a note left in the house by Paola that the judge intends to find him a family home. Demoralized, with the excuse of going to buy a pizza for himself and Paola, escape in the middle of the night. Takes a direct bus to Avellino, the city where does she live addict mother.

Paola she is desperate: call Alexander. Together, with the help of Marco (Arthur Muselli), connect and childhood friend of the deputy commissioner, they set out on the trail of Diego. they find it. Alessandro was unaware of his wife’s idea of ​​finding a foster home for the child. And he doesn’t agree at all. In fact, he is determined to make it grow with them. But first Paola and Alessandro have to reconcile and find a new reason to be together. Diego could be that reason.

